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Monday, July 12, 2010

I Have Returned!

I'll bet you thought that I was never going to get back from Michigan. I actually returned on Friday but had to catch up on life. It's funny how life keeps going when you are away. Somehow it's just not fair! I think that I'm finally caught up and almost ready to get back to work.

My sil is doing marvelously after her knee replacement. That wasn't the case when I first arrived. She was in quite a deal of pain, but not from the knee as much as her shin. She fell while in the hospital and we think that she badly bruised her shin. But, by the time that I left, she was getting around on one crutch and sometimes not any! She had one PT visit while I was there and her therapist told her that if she felt up to it, she could walk without the help of crutches. I'm quite impressed with her recovery! The hardest part is ahead, though. PT could be kind of hard, but it is necessary! I'll have some pics to post of my July 4 celebration as soon as I get them off the camera.

Now some business. I'm thinking of including a contact sheet in all my kits. If you are unaware of what a contact sheet is, see the example below for the Picnic in the Park blog train.


You can use this in a variety of ways.  If I decide to include this, I’ll explain then how you can use this type of file.  Now I just have to decide how small to make the pictures.  I need  your input here.  Basically I can set this up to have as many pics on the page as I would like.  What I need to know is this:  what is YOUR preference?  Below are 2 examples of the same elements set up so that there are 25 and 30 pics (the one above was set up to have only 20 pics).









I don’t want to get too much smaller since you won’t be able to read the file name if I do.  Please give me some feedback by leaving a comment below or in the chat box.  You can also drop me an email and let me know your thoughts.

  1. Is this something that you would like included in the zip file of each kit?
  2. If I decide to include them, how many pics (20, 25, 30) would you like to see on each sheet?

Thanks for your input.  I really appreciate you, my loyal followers!


burgundy signature (Small) (Small)


schellie said...

Hi Carolyn,
If there is a preview I think it's not stricktly nescessary, but sometimes it comes in handy when searching an additional paper or element for a lay-out.
If kits are really big it's almost a must, cause you can't overlook al the files.
I think 30 is the best option, otherwise one has to check too many files when searching in a big kit. Its nice to have them in one view.
It's cute to experience you're thinking of what comes in handy with kits for the users. You're realy a professional in your creative work, always looking for ways to make it easier to work with! I hope you get more comments, cause I'm just a beginner still.

Unknown said...

I just need to be able to read the file names. The 25 is easier for me to read. I do think it is a great idea! I am in the process of creating contact sheets thru PSE7, but thats a lot of work and paper. If I had the electronic file I could just store the info digitally. Thanks for thinking of us the users!!!!!


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